Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Feeling frugal

So, in an effort to make Operation Relocation happen I've had to perform quite a major mind-shift. I've had to embrace my husband's frugal ways.

No more shoe shopping. *sob*

No more coffees on the way to work. *weep*

No more mercy dash into M&S on the way home for a yummy pudding/bar of chocolate/tub of whatever. *wail*

It's lentils all the way. *wibble*

But that's ok, because we've discovered some gorgeous lentil recipes and thankfully the boys are not fussy eaters. The meal we made on Sunday night was gorgeous and so simple, so I thought I'd share it here in case anyone else was feeling frugal:

Lentil and Sausage casserole
8 sausages (Aldi have a great selection that are under £1.50 and not too suspicious)
Half a pack of salami slices (we buy salami from Aldi, it's only 99p and it's delish)
300g of green lentils
1 litre of chicken stock (we had a roast chicken last week and made stock from the carcass)
2 medium carrots
1 onion
2 bay leaves

Saute the onion in some oil until golden, chop up the carrots and let them soften in the pan before adding the salami slices, lentils, sausages, bay leaves and chicken stock. Bring to the boil and let simmer gently for 30 minutes. Serve with some lovely fluffy rice in big bowls and enjoy!

Warning: the sausages do turn a rather alarming hue of green and do remember to fish out the bay leaves before you serve.

Tip: If you chop up the sausages, this recipe can easily serve 2 adults and 2 children with leftovers for another 2 dinners and 1 lunch.

Does anyone else have any scrummy lentil recipes? Do share!


  1. are they softened or dried lentils you add?

  2. I used dried green lentils - no need to soak (according to the packet), so just chucked them straight in :-)

  3. You're making frugal sound very tasty... But no new shoes? Seriously? *hyperventilates*

  4. That sounds lovely. I'm embracing lentils too, I have a couple of failsafe recipes but need to broaden my frugal repertoire. I think I'll try this next week.

  5. This would be perfect for our frugal carnival, please do submit it

  6. I have loads of good lentil recipes which I shall probably post about in the new year as I need to get my own finances in order!!

  7. What a fab recipe, I shall give it a go! :o) We're embracing more frugal ways, even though we're fairly frugal, money is getting tighter with high school expenses & trips for our eldest and all 3 are growing too fast & need new shoes *sigh*

    I've done a Meal Plan for the 5 of us that costs around £55. It includes all 21 meals and some baked treats too.


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