Thursday 26 April 2012

Trousers for little legs

 Apologies for the quality of the photos, but trying to photograph excited little legs inside new trousers is a bit bothersome apparently...

This first pair I've been struggling with for weeks. I wanted to make a pair of fully lined trousers that could be rolled up with a nice contrasting cuff. But could I figure out how to do it? No. My seam ripper became my most used and most loathed sewing tool. But perseverance prevailed and I finally cracked it (once I stopped trying to sew the wrong sides together grrr). Next time, I'll use fabric with a more obvious wrong side and save myself a lot of frustration.
Excited by the eventual success of trousers #1, I swiftly moved on to trousers #2. Decided I could be bothered making them fully lined this time, but would just have a contrasting cuff....

Shame they're about 2 inches too long. Should have gone for the fully lined option after all.

Or just bought a pattern. Or hey! Maybe even measured leg lengths with a proper tape measure - now there's a thought...

Precision sewing just ain't my thing. Winging it, apparently is.


  1. You need to but Anna Maria Horner seems to me, fab noys trousers or sewing for boys

  2. It was Anna Maria Horner's Quick Change Trousers that I was trying to emulate! I was just being too frugal/mean to buy her lovely book for just one pattern...that'll teach me!


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