Monday, 5 December 2011

Thrifty socking filler for lego lovers

Do you know a little lego lover? Do you also have an abundance of broken, unloved crayons littering your craft box?

I did, until I made these little beauties:

Want to know how to make them? Well, read on!

First of all you need a lego man ice-cube tray. I bought mine here but I think they are also available on Amazon.

Then, simply take some old crayons and chop them up as small as you can without losing a finger and fill the moulds with the crayon pieces:

You need to overfill the moulds so the crayons melt into the gaps, then pop the ice-cube tray into an oven preheated to about 100 degrees celsius for about 5 minutes. Now, the information of my ice-cube tray told me not to heat it beyond 60 degrees celsius, so don't wander off and get lost on twitter at this stage. Just keep a close eye on proceedings and all should be ok. My ice-cube tray emerged unscathed, but just be careful.

Take the tray out the oven when you can see the crayons have melted, but don't leave it too long. You don't want the colours to mix too much and end up with brown crayon men.

Leave your little men to cool completely, then simply pop them out of their moulds. Ta da! Simple lego crayon men. A perfect stocking filler :-)

I also used the ice-cube tray to make chocolate lego men and may alos do little soap lego men...the possibilities are endless. And of course the ice-cube tray itself also makes a lovely stocking filler.

You could also try this with other ice-cube trays/moulds like these fish shaped ones from Ikea or some festive ones like these.

Do you have any crafty, thrifty ideas for stocking filler?


  1. I have that ice cube tray and the brick on too, guess what I will be doing next week!

  2. Hee hee! They're great fun - must look out for the brick one too.

  3. Wow, what a fabulous idea!!! Loads of old crayons, need to get the tray...

  4. Great idea. Never seen these ice cube trays but will have a look now.


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