Sunday, 13 November 2011

Cold feet

What already? Surely not.

We only made the decision to relocate this week but the doubts have already started to creep in.

What if we just mortgage ourselves up to the hilt and blow all our savings on a fabulous house down here?

What if the boys end up getting picked-on because of their english accents?

What if what if what if...

But then I think about the beaches and the skies and their grandparents.

And I know that we just have to make sure any doubts we have are answered.

A fabulous house down here would mean a lot more stress and a lot less family time. No thanks.

Eating dinner every night with my boys? Yes please.

Mortgage free? Yes please.

My boys getting teased for having english accents...we'll cross that bridge when and if we ever come to it. Children are amazing at adapting and my children are, of course, pretty darn amazing.

There's bound to be doubts. Of course there are, it's a huge step. But when we first moved down here to the bright lights of London town, we had nothing. Absolutely nothing. Only the belongings that we could fit into our battered rucksacks. We didn't even have enough money to cover our rent. But we managed.

And if we can do that, we can do this.

I just need to buy warmer socks.


  1. Having lived in Watford for 7 years before moving up here I can assure you that you won't regret it. The quality is life is so different. Yes it's colder but it's also beautiful. You can have chickens and grow veg and go all "it's a good life" :)

  2. We lived in Berkshire for 14 years before returning back to the NE. You can go back, we did


Come on in, the water's lovely.


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