
Breastfeeding is a subject very close to my heart. One day I'll get round to writing a post all about my experiences of breastfeeding (without boring the pant of you all hopefully), but in the meantime, here are links to some post I've written about breastfeeding already:

Is it time to stop? (Or: I'll have a D please Bob)

When does a friendly interest become meddling?

Passion...or obsession?

Breastfeeding information and support can be found at these lovely places:

The Breastfeeding Network offers free, confidential telephone information on breastfeeding and one-to-one local support.

Helpline: 0300 100 0210

La Leche League helpline offering advice and information on breastfeeding, plus local group meetings. Puts you in touch with a local counsellor.

24hr Helpline: 0845 120 2918

The National Childbirth Trust has trained breastfeeding counsellors who can offer individual advice and support.

Breastfeeding Line: 0300 330 0771

Another great source of advice is Mumsnet


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