Thursday, 16 May 2013


Today is the day we'll finally complete on the sale of our flat in sunny South London.

I feel sick, excited, nervous and a little bit nostalgic.

Despite growing to dislike our compact and bijou residence, many happy times were had there.

Both boys took their first steps in the living room. The kitchen, although tiny, was the heart of our flat and saw many jam making, cake baking and toddler fairy cake decorating sessions.

The garden had a mind of its own and resisted all of my attempts to encourage hydrangeas to grow. I'm sure next door sabotaged them to maintain her position as hydrangea queen.

But later today, it will officially be part of our history. We'll no longer have a mortgage and all property ties with lovely London Town will be severed.

Instead, we're loving the light and happy dust motes dancing around in our sun infused new house in Scotland (sun does not necessarily mean warmth, so don't be too envious!).

Here's a sneaky peak of some of my favourite views so far:

Bird watching


At last! A place of it's own

View out the front

Just for old times sake...


  1. House tour, house tour, house tour please

    1. Soon, I promise! I could do I wee video couldn't I?

  2. Hey, I live in Scotand, where have you moved to?

    1. Up in the north east, between Aberdeen & Inverness :)


Come on in, the water's lovely.


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