Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Goodbye dear London

You gave me a career, our first home together.

You made me cry.

And laugh.

You helped me grow up.

You shocked and surprised me.

You opened my eyes and my mind.

I gave you 14 years and two boys (but I'm taking them with me).

I gave you my naivety.

And maybe a little bit of my faith in humanity.

There's so much of you I haven't explored (but you'll keep).

There's so much we've shared.

Oh London town. It's been a blast.

But it's time to go home.


  1. It's always sad to say goodbye to places that hold memories but now you're off to create some new ones :) Good luck! X

  2. Oh wow! Good luck. Looking forward to reading your adventures back home x


Come on in, the water's lovely.


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