Tuesday, 12 February 2013


So here we are, with only 3.5 days left in my permanent job.

By now, I thought we'd be stressing over how little packing we'd managed to do and whether we'd still like the tiles we chose for the en-suite back in August.

But instead, we've come to a standstill. We're in limbo. Of sorts.

Legal stresses are still holding back the sale of our property in England, while our house in Scotland is due to be finished in about 6 weeks (weather permitting).

We can't start packing until we have a vague idea on when we're likely to exchange contracts. The thought of living out of boxes just fills me with dread.

I can't start making curtains and cushions because I can't get excited about the new house yet. I can't let myself get excited. Not until we have a better idea on when we'll be moving.

In the meantime, I only have 3.5 days left at my permanent job.

3.5 days of guaranteed income.

3.5 days of visiting the toilet alone.

3.5 days.

Holy crap.


  1. Just stop worrying about the things you can not change. Take this time to breath and make the most of visits to the park etc

  2. Fingers and toes crossed that all has unblocked and is moving on ok


Come on in, the water's lovely.


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