Monday, 21 January 2013


After a weekend of snow, with an extra family day thrown in thanks to the school closing, I'm feeling a bit introspective.

(I may also have just sobbed my heart out over Marley & Me).

Whatever has lead me here, I'm glad it's has. It's good to reflect sometimes and count your blessings.

So this evening, I'm thankful for:

:: the insight the snow gave us today into what our new life in Scotland might be like. No, not the snow itself (it's Scotland we're moving to, not the Arctic). Working from home, juggling 2 boys and avoiding the cake tin, is what I mean. Boys were pretty successfully juggled. The cake tin took a bit of a battering though.

:: some pretty amazing genes that my 6yo seems to have inherited from somewhere, that have enabled him to develop a beautiful sense of empathy. He's the most typical of 6 year olds most of the time, but tonight, he made me so proud. He has such a lovely soul and every day I remember to stop and appreciate him, he takes my breath away.

:: the ability to have a kitchen full of ingredients and to whip up anything from a carrot cake to a lentil curry whenever the need arises (did I mention the cake tin took a battering?).

:: a 2 year old that challenges and stretches me in ways I never thought possible. Today he reminded me  (again) he is utterly different from his big brother. But if I just listen to him, really listen, he'll tell me what he needs.

:: being caught off-guard when I look at my husband and know, just know, everything will work out. Belly flips. Even after 14 years.


  1. What a beautiful post. It does us all good to focus on the good stuff sometimes

  2. Thanks Jen, it really does.


Come on in, the water's lovely.


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