Wednesday, 11 January 2012


So 2011 was the year of the neglected allotment.

But 2012, I declare, will be the year of allotment bounty!

We managed to pop down to our little half plot over the weekend for a spot of plotting, planning and surveying. Husband even managed to go back during nap-time for some impromptu weeding.

But now we need to get organised and plan out properly what we're going to grow this year, rather than hastily chucking seeds in the general direction of the soil and hoping for the best.

So, on my wish list this year (and coincidentally in my seed stash):

Cauliflower they just look so lovely and neat in a veg patch and I'm rather partial to cauliflower cheese.

Peas great for the boys to eat straight from the pod, which keeps them occupied while I tend to other crops.

Sweetpeas of course.

Snapdragons for filling the house with gorgeousness. I'm giddy about growing flowers for the first time and looking forward to a summer full of fragrant blooms.

Calendula (marigolds) to brighten up the edges of the beds and attract pest-eating bugs.

Potatoes without a doubt one of my favourite crops to grow. They might not be very glam, but nothing, nothing I say, beats tucking in to a glorious baked potato grown on the allotment. Or a lovely, light salad of new potatoes. It's like digging for treasure when you dig these babies up!

Courgettes because we love courgette & brie soup and the plants fill a naked bed within weeks. But this year I'm going to limit myself to 2 plants. Courgette glut is getting boring.

Rhubarb we already have some rhubarb on the plot, but last year was the first year I managed to get hold of some muck to feed it with, so I'm hoping we'll have enough for a good hearty crumble in a couple of weeks.

Sweetcorn last year's crop failed spectacularly due to simple neglect. Those golden ears of corn need a good, regular soaking if they're going to swell into something delicious.

Herbs this year I'm going to try and establish a permanent herb bed. We have fennel already, so I'd like to add some rosemary, thyme, mint and oregano if I can. Probably pop them in next to the rhubarb then it's one less bed to worry about.

Raspberries will this year be the year our fruit canes bear fruit? Please let it be.

I've really no excuse this year. We finally have a shed, so there's no more carting tools between garden and plot and we have a lovely red wheelbarrow because...well, just because...oh yes, because you never know when there's going to be a wheelbarrow emergency or an impromptu wheelbarrow race. *cough*

Anyone else jumping on the allotment wheelbarrow bandwagon this year?


  1. Yes, yes, yes!
    We are lucky to have a large garden and a vegetable plot. Only this weekend we harvested some sprouts and jerusalem artichokes. (lovely, and so easy! I just popped some from the supermarket in there and hey presto!)

    My sweetcorn failed as well, was it the moistness? Mine went all mouldy.

    I am already looking forward to the spring greens that seem to be getting along nicely.

    Apart from that, no plans yet!

  2. oh sprouts! I'd love to have sprouts for Xmas dinner next year but I read they can be tricky? Shame about your sweetcorn - mine was definitely lack of watering though. Friends planted some from the same tray of seedlings at the same time but watered them every day - and voila, gorgeous big juicy ears of corn. Ah well, it's a learning curve :-)

  3. Spotted that you joined blogger.ed recently also so thought I'd pop over.
    We used to have an allotment but moved and couldn't keep it. It does take some keeping going doesn't it?
    Artichokes were my favourite I think just because the plants look amazing!
    I also enjoyed growing unusual veg like purple carrots. Fun to grow something you can't buy

  4. Thanks for visiting @mutteringsofafool :-) I agree - artichokes look amazing!


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