Thursday, 25 June 2009

Jam tomorrow

There really will be jam tomorrow!

I've had a wee bit of a busy week, what with leaving the life of a freelancer behind and re-entering the corporate world (well, as corporate as a funky little ad agency a stone's throw from Carnaby Street can be - loving it so far!).

But today is my "working from home day". Subtle cough. Hmmm.

Anyhoo, moving swiftly on...

So guess what I made?

Strawberry jam! A taste of summer in a jar.

It was sooooooo easy peasy lemon squeezy that I think I'll have to go strawberry picking again and make some more. Then, if I also make some funky little fabric jam jar lid covers, we could have some potential home-made pressies for seaonal celebrations!

Feel all virtuous and domestic-goddess like now.

Better go and do some paid work now. Oops.
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